
Fantastic rewards for fantastic fundraisers. Discover what you could earn every step of the way.

Finisher’s Medal

All walkers will receive a beautiful wooden finisher’s medal as they cross the finish line. Celebrate your achievement by posing with yours at our finisher’s photo opportunity!

Wellness Walk T-shirt

All walkers will receive a Diabetes UK Wellness Walk t-shirt to wear for the occasion. Don’t forget to tell us your t-shirt size at the point of registration.

Raise £50

Claim your blue Diabetes UK shoe laces to decorate your trainers or walking boots when you hit the £50 mark. If you’ve opted to receive rewards we’ll post these to you shortly after reaching the target.

Raise £150

Raise £150 and you’ll receive an enamel pin badge to wear with pride at the event. If you’ve opted to receive rewards we’ll post these to you shortly after reaching the target.

Raise £250

Raise £250 and you’ll receive a cosy Diabetes UK Beanie to wear on event day and into those colder months. If you’ve opted to receive rewards we’ll post these to you shortly after reaching the target.

What an amazing day. From the moment you got your t-shirts and crazy hair on, to when you were awarded your medals, it was a brilliantly positive and fun atmosphere.

Diabetes UK Wellness Walker